Hello! I’m Renee Escobar, I was born in the Spring of 72. I am a recreational aid and I coach girls volleyball, soccer and boys and girls track for a middle school in Long Beach. I am lucky to have an amazing and large family. I am a daughter, sister, cousin, godmother, and auntie "Meema".
Aug 2020 my life surprisingly and drastically changed. I was diagnosed with Myxoid Liposarcoma round cell, a very rare soft tissue cancer. This cancer began with a small bump on my leg that quickly grew. My Oncologists treated it aggressively but sadly I lost my leg at the knee joint April 2021, two months later it spread and in August 2021 more of my leg was amputated.
For about 6 months I was in the clear then the following spring a fast-growing mass developed in my abdomen. So, in May 2022 another surgery to remove this mass, we hoped we got it all but in July there was a 3rd recurrence. Back to chemotherapy I went to try to shrink. October 2022 doctors told me I’m stage 4 and gave me 3 to 6 months to live and changed up my treatment once again.
It’s been almost a year and I’m in the fight of my life, BUT I am still here!!
I live every second to the fullest, work, coach and love on my family. My chance to beat this is bleak but my ability to live my best life for as long as I can is very possible! No matter what, I smile!
Please help this wonderful lady by
Mike & Tiya Gustaveson